Platform: FM-7, PC-88, X68000
Publisher: Macadamia
Game: Action
Difficulty: 4
Nudity: 4
Caveats: Rape
In this lighthearted comedy of a game, you play a rapist who chases girls in the park, jumping over hazards like raging cats, stumps, and gopher holes or tossing bombs at them to clear them away, while trying to get close enough to rip the girl’s clothes off before tackling and raping her. Premise aside, this game is almost unplayable because the control is unresponsive and delayed even on faster systems, and you can’t do two things at once such as jump at an angle or reach for the girl while running faster. Once you’ve stripped her and manage to force her down, the game becomes a mini-game where you have to select directions while humping her to increase her desire before the timer runs out. Overall, it’s a bit of a hot mess, but a doujin circle thought enough of it to remake the game.